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Laura Stephenson

Stats: 5 ft., Blonde hair, Hazel eyes
Degree: BFA Acting from University of Oklahoma
Location: Chicago, IL
Willing to travel

Currently Seeking Representation

Regional Theatre

Fefu and Her Friends                         Emma                           Dir. Tony Adams - Halcyon Theatre

The War Zone is my Bed                   Dahlia                           Dir. Dani Snyder Young - Halcyon Theatre

Tiny Dynamite                                     Madeleine                   Dir. Helen Young- Halcyon Theatre

The Bear                                               Ellie                               Dir. Amanda Lautermilch - Adapt Theatre Co

The Emperor of the Moon                 Bellmante                    Dir. Jenn Adams - Halcyon Theatre

A Lover’s Dismantling                         Laura                            Dir. Alex Gualino - Halcyon Theatre
Comm-80s-A                                        Columbina                   Dir. Nick Freed - Chicago dell’Arte
Mark Twain Project                             Madam                         St. Sebastian Players
A Behanding in Spokane                   u/s Marilyn                  Dir. Rick Snyder - Profiles Theatre
Rotten Couch Potatoes                      Kristen                          The Consortium Project
Antigone                                               Chorus                          Reduxion Theatre Company
The Comedy of Errors                       Luciana                          Dir. Joanne Zipay  Judith Shakespeare Co.
A Midsummer Nights Dream           Hermia                          Dir. Gail Cronauer, Oak Park Shakespeare Fest
Alls Well That Ends Well                     Renata, u/s Helena     Collin Theatre Center
Wreck on the Five-Twenty-Five         Minnie                           Theatre Quorum
How I Learned To Drive                     Greek Chorus              Collin Theatre Center
Cinderella                                             Cinderella                     Theatre Britain
Orpheus Descending                         Dolly, u/s Carol            Collin Theatre Center


Stage Combat training, Voice, Improvisation, Dance, Burp on command, Horseback riding, Can drive a stick shift


Dialects: British RP, Cockney, Irish, French, German, Southern


Kingsley Colton Outstanding Partner Award- The Kennedy Center: American College Theatre Festival

Multiple Co
lumn Award Nominee- Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Featured Role

University Theatre

A Midsummer Nights Dream         Titania                           Dir. Joel Ferrell, Dallas Theatre Center
Dog Sees God                                   CBs Sister                      Jillian Robertson
Chamber Music                                Girl in Safari Outfit      Susan Shaughnessy
Apartment 3A                                   Annie                              Jillian Robertson
The Grapes of Wrath                       Girl in Barn                   Tom Huston-Orr


F The Moon                                                       Jen (Principal)                 TV House Productions
Convergence: The Series                                Young Admin (Sup)        P3 Mediaworks

Roark Comptons: The Motion Picture          Margaret (Principal)      Singletree Productions
The Swing                                                          Emma (Principal)           Cracked Pot Productions

The Art of Kissing                                             Laura                               New School Films
Hand In Hand                                                    Lori Schiller                    CCCCD

Training & Workshops

iO Improv Chicago Graduate       Todd Edwards, Colleen Doyle, Jason Shotts, Tara Defrancisco, Craig Uhlir, Noah Gregoropoulos
Advanced Scene Study                  Darrell W. Cox, Rick Snyder  Profiles Theatre
BFA: Acting - The University of Oklahoma     May 2010

Acting On Camera: Master Class  Lou Antonio
Shakespeare Intensive                   Joanne Zipay, Judith Shakespeare Co
Acting                                                Tom Huston-Orr, Gail Cronauer, Brad Baker
Voice                                                 Rena Cook, David Alexander

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